
A website is an important shop front, reaching a world-wide audience 24 hours a day.  So it is vital to make it professional, or visitors can quickly find someone else who appears more thorough.

I can help you with the usual issues covered on the How it works page, but websites need some additional attention. I can look at your site in your choice of the usual browsers and check that:

  • navigation around the site works correctly.
  • forms are working correctly (by entering test data into your system).
  • images show well.
  • graphics appear well.
  • pop-up windows work.

I no longer check that links to external sites work correctly. Instead I offer to provide a list of links for you to check yourself. This is because:

  • checking these links can be a time consuming process, and I don’t think it is good value for money for my clients to pay me to do this simple task.
  • the task carries the added risk of problems from viruses, which could potentially stop me from working for a significant amount of time.

I can also make suggestions for improvements in the organisation and style of the site, and suggest changes to improve readability.

Some general points

Obviously some of this work is time consuming, so it is important that we agree exactly what you require. Before starting work I will send you a brief document summarising what you want checking.

I am not an html specialist, so it is important that I don’t change your code and you retain full control over your website. I will import each page into Adobe Acrobat as a PDF, retaining your main website layout and design to annotate with the corrections and notes. The proofed PDF will be emailed to you so you can open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader to review the suggestions.  You can then update your website as you wish. If you don’t already have Acrobat Reader, you can download it free direct from Adobe.

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